Jostens, the leading producer of yearbooks and student-created content, has announced that Hilton High School’s yearbook program has achieved the Jostens 2023 National Yearbook Program of Excellence award at the Gold Level. The National Yearbook Program of Excellence recognizes engaging yearbooks that reflect a broad representation of the student body while helping students develop 21st century skills such as communication, collaboration, and information and communication technologies (ICT) literacy.
The Hiltorial award-winning yearbook program is led by seniors Alyssa Andracki, Elizabeth Callen, Robert Daniels, James Hantes, Karlee Hargather, Leah Kunisch, Elliana Sloan, and Sophia Strauss; juniors Ella Clark, Abigail Hilburger and Hailey Van Zeilen; and sophomores Gianna Bianchi, Peyton Brownlie, Elena Graziano, Katherine Kosiorek, and Olivia Pilato, under the direction of Joe Ralyea, yearbook adviser, and edited by Principal Dr. Jeff Green.
Jostens’ National Yearbook Program of Excellence Awards are presented twice a year, in spring and in fall based on the yearbook’s arrival date at the school. The award was presented to the "Hiltorial" yearbook program for achieving defined criteria in between one and three of the following categories: creating an inclusive yearbook, generating school engagement, and successfully managing the yearbook creation process.