Strategic Planning Process 2022-27

The Hilton Central School District has begun the process of formulating a Strategic Plan for the next five years. The district will be working with Dr. Nicole Alioto, founder and CEO of Alla Breve Educational Consulting in Dansville, NY, over the next several months to gather and interpret data that will be used to develop the Strategic Plan.
Dr. Alioto completed her Ph.D. in social psychology at the University of Connecticut. She was the coordinator for the Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES Data Analysis Service assisting 31 component districts in the analysis, interpretation and use of data. She also served as assistant director of the University at Albany’s Evaluation Consortium and the director of Institutional Research and Planning. Dr. Alioto currently teaches Predictive Analytics and Data Mining at Johns Hopkins University.
The process will involve voluntary input from students in grades 4-12, parents, staff, board members, alumni and community members gathered through surveys and focus groups. Please view the video below to learn more about the overall process, then look for further communications to participate in the surveys and focus groups.
Students in grades 4-12 will be offered an optional survey between Oct. 20 – Nov. 1. At grades 7-12, the survey will be offered during an advisement period. In grades 4-6, teachers will offer the survey at a time that works for their class. All responses will remain anonymous.
On Feb. 14 and 15, 2023, Dr. Alioto presented the Board of Education and Cabinet with an Executive Summary based on input from surveys, interviews and focus groups. The Executive Summary will serve as the basis for developing an action plan with the administrative team. The District would like to thank the students in grades 4-12, parents and guardians, recent graduates, community members, staff, and administrators who provided feedback in this process.
At the Board of Education meeting on June 13, 2023, Superintendent Dr. Casey Kosiorek announced the three overarching goals for the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan as illustrated on the graphic above. Over the summer, the District will work on action steps for each of these goals. Then, at the start of the school year in September, the District will begin working toward each of those action steps.