Instructor Information
Thank you for choosing to teach the residents in the Hilton Central School District. We created this page to give a timeline from an instructor’s point-of-view and streamline some of the most frequently asked questions by instructors. We look forward to having your guidance and expertise in the community.
How do I become an instructor?
If you would like to explore teaching a course with Hilton Community Education, you can submit an Online Instructor Course Proposal Form or contact Community Education Director Ryan Miller at (585) 392-1000 ext. 7095.
What is a timeline of the process?
We’ll work together to iron out the details for your course description as well as dates and times for your class. You will decide what to charge per person or per hour and a minimum and maximum class size for your course.
We’ll email you a contract that outlines your course commitment to sign and return along with a one-time W-9 form to fill out if it is your first time teaching. At the conclusion of the session you’ll send the Community Education department a completed attendance sheet and invoice. We will process your payment and mail you a check.
How do I print an attendance sheet?
The Community Education department uses rSchoolToday for registrations, and as an instructor you have access to view enrollment for your class(es). Prior to your course, you’ll need to print an attendance sheet to bring to each class. The students present will check the box next to their names.
Here is the link to rSchoolToday
Instructions to find and print attendance sheet:
Sign in. The login and password is your first initial and last name, so John Smith would be jsmith/jsmith
Find your class and click View > Class Attendance > Generate Report
A printable attendance sheet will pop up
Where can I find an invoice?
A link to a blank invoice can be found here (PDF version) and here (Word version).
How do I sign into a school district computer?
If logging into a Windows computer on our network, you will need to contact Registrar Jincy Paz at (585) 392-1000, ext. 7044 for the username and password. The guest wireless network is named HiltonGuest. Please use the above email to obtain the password.
Do courses require a waiver?
Exercise consent forms will need to be filled out by new participants for fitness classes.
Waiver and liability release forms will need to be filled by participants of cooking classes.
Do we need to give out an evaluation survey?
We ask students to fill out evaluation forms at the conclusion of most classes to determine how to tailor a class or add more course offerings. A link to the questionnaire can be found here.
Can you just tell me the documents I need?
Attendance sheet
Exercise consent form for a fitness class or liability release form for a cooking class