Welcome to our newest staff! #Welcoming #Affirming #CadetProud
about 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
The Village Advanced Band had guest conductor, Nancy Russo, join their rehearsal this morning. Ms. Russo, a retired Hilton band director and current Nazareth University professor, helped get the students ready for their upcoming concert. The Village Advanced Band and Choruses have their winter concert on Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. at Hilton High School. Come on out to hear these fabulous student musicians!
about 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
Nancy Russo and band
Nancy Russo conducting band
Nancy Russo conducting band
On Friday, Village Elementary students celebrated JOY Day with fun holiday activities, like making ornaments, decorating cookies, playing holiday BINGO, and testing miniature Santa parachutes! MANY thanks go to all of the parent volunteers and especially to the High School Introduction to Teaching class for working with the first graders. It was a great way to kick off the holiday season!
about 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
Parent helping boy make ornament
Boy biting into cookie
High School student at table with 2 younger students
Boy cutting construction paper
Older student helping younger student sew paper stocking
Teacher helping student sew small parachute
Older student explaining parachute to 2 younger students
Older student helping boy make ornament
In honor of Veteran’s Day, Cindy DiGiacco’s kindergarten class at Village had a special visitor via Zoom. Sergeant First Class Tim Brugger, who is stationed in Kuwait with the National Guard, showed students tanks and trucks, uniforms, and equipment. He also answered students’ questions that they prepared in their Writers’ Workshop. “The students were so engaged and his own daughters, sixth grader Isabel, third grader Makenna, and first grader Cassandra were able to share in the experience,” said DiGiacco. In addition to thanking Sergeant Brugger for his service, the class donated an ice cream sundae gift basket and pizza certificate to the family. Sergeant Brugger is the husband of Teacher Aide Tiara Brugger.
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
Class watching screen with Sergeant Brugger
Please note that Tuesday, Oct. 31 is a half day session for ALL students K-12. The printed calendar sent to homes incorrectly states that it is a half day for K-6. Students will arrive home approximately 4 hours earlier than normal.
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
Reminder Tuesday, Oct. 31 is a half day session for all students
A heartfelt thank you goes out to our student & staff volunteers, community groups, and to those who donated food & clothing, recycled electronics & brought their documents for secure disposal during this year’s Make a Difference Day on Saturday. We are so proud of how our community comes together every year to #MakeADifference! And let’s not forget a shout out to Wegmans Latta Rd. for providing our volunteers with breakfast & lunch!
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
Students holding donated coats
Students cleaning up garden
Students sorting food
Students on the back of bus for gathering food donations
2 girls doing craft with senior citizen
Boys posing in community garden
Girls with thank you cards
Students with wagon full of leaves
Welcome to our newest staff! #Welcoming #Affirming #CadetProud
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
We are cadet nation! Welcome to our newest Hilton Cadets
Welcome to our newest staff! #Welcoming #Affirming #CadetProud
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
We are Cadet Nation! Welcome to our newest staff
Please note that Friday, Oct. 31 is a half day session for ALL students K-12. The printed calendar sent to homes incorrectly states that it is a half day for K-6. Students will arrive home approximately 4 hours earlier than normal.
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
Reminder Friday, Oct. 31 is a half day session for all students
Andy is described as welcoming & affirming by his new colleague. Kind & considerate since day one, he never makes the other person feel like they are inconveniencing him & always checks in in a way that shows he cares by listening carefully & being empathetic. Thank you, Andy!
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
Andy Grayson Village Elementary Teacher
At last night's meeting, the Board of Education recognized Teacher of the Year Laurie Steele-Sperber and School Related Professional Claudia Engel, along with all of the nominees. Read more: https://www.hilton.k12.ny.us/article/1233030 https://www.hilton.k12.ny.us/article/1231444
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
Teacher and SRP of the Year nominees
Claudia Engel and Casey Kosiorek
Sonja Volkmar, Laurie Steele-Sperber and Casey Kosiorek
HOMECOMING IS NEXT WEEK! Did you mark your calendars for these fun events? Hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
Hilton CSD Homecoming '23
Welcome to our newest teaching staff! #Welcoming #Affirming #CadetProud
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
We Are Cadet Nation! Welcome to our newest Hilton Cadets
Welcome to our newest Support Staff appointed at last night's Board of Education meeting! #Welcoming #Affirming
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
We are Cadet Nation! Welcome to our newest Hilton Cadets
Hilton CSD joins the digital commemoration #RemembertheSky as we mark the 22nd anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. This digital commemoration is inspired by the clear blue sky that was present in New York City & across the country on 9/11, as well as by Spencer Finch’s art installation in the 9/11 Memorial Museum. His artwork, “Trying to Remember the Color of the Sky on That September Morning,” is comprised of 2,983 watercolors — each a unique shade of blue — a tribute to the enormity of collective loss and the individuality of each of those who were taken from us far too soon. #neverforget911
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
Hilton students are eating local! Each month, our Food Service staff will choose days where the lunch menu will feature NYS products & food from our local farms. The grant funded program, titled NYS Farms to Schools, is a win-win for schools, NYS businesses & farms!
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
Hot dog, corn, apple, chips, grape juice, milk
NY Thursdays with list of menu items
And we're off! To a great school year that is! We're so happy to welcome back our students and staff. As you can see, there were plenty of smiles, hugs & high fives to go around! Thank you to our parents and guardians for all of your support! ❤ #HiltonBack2School #Welcoming #Affirming
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
Young girl and boy talking
Two girls posing for picture
Teacher walking four students from school bus
Older girl with arm around little boy walking from school bus
Teacher hugging student
Students and 2 teachers behind coffee counter at Merton Williams
Teacher with students seated at desks
Two boys and a girl smiling in hallway
Teacher getting ready to high five boy student
Young girl with Play Dough
Welcome to our newest teaching staff! #Welcoming #Affirming #CadetProud
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
We are Cadet Nation! Welcome to our newest Cadets
Many thanks to County Executive Adam Bello & Bus Patrol President & CEO Karoon Monfared for visiting Hilton CSD yesterday to announce the launch of the Monroe County School Bus Safety Program. Read more: https://tinyurl.com/bddf3kwa
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
Transportation Director Matt Schultz speaking at podium
Stop arm camera on Hilton bus
Welcome to our newest teaching staff! #Welcoming #Affirming #CadetProud
over 1 year ago, Hilton Central School District
We are Cadet Nation! Welcome to our newest Hilton Cadets