IB Learner Profile
Provides a long-term vision of education
Set of ideals that can inspire, motivate and focus the work of schools and teachers, uniting in a common purpose
QUEST aims to develop students who are:
Caring: I am helpful and show concern.
Communicators: I share information, ideas and feelings with others.
Inquirers: I ask questions.
Knowledgeable: I gain and use information.
Open-minded: I accept new ideas, am flexible and willing to compromise.
Principled: I follow rules and show integrity.
Reflective: I think about what I can do better.
Risk-takers: I challenge myself or try something new.
Thinkers: I use my mind.
Balanced: I show interest in many areas.

QUEST students participate in "Caught Ya" experiences. Students and adults can catch another student or adult at QUEST demonstrating the IB Learner Profile Attributes. Each Friday, these "Caught Yas" are read aloud for the school to listen and acknowledge. Students are awarded their "Caught Ya" certificate and a sticker!