
Student Absences

Procedure to report an absence

Parents or legal guardians are responsible for notifying the Attendance Office when their child will be absent or tardy from school using one of the following options.

Campus Parent app: In the dropdown menu, select Absence Request and enter absence. Absence Request Tips Sheet for Families

Attendance Office email: Email Northwood Elementary Attendance Office to report absence.

Attendance Office phone and voicemail: Phone 392-1000, ext. 4601 to report absence. 

Please report absences every day that your child will be absent from school. Only one notification is necessary if you are on vacation and have called ahead with the date(s) that your child will be absent.  If notifying by phone, please follow-up with a written note. Notes will be accepted up to three days after your child returns to school from his/her absence. If a note is not received after three days, your child’s absence will be considered unexcused.

Absences and late arrivals will be entered as unexcused any time that the school does not receive an absence notification.

If your child is late arriving to school, please sign him or her in at the security desk. Your child will then need to stop in the Health Office for a late pass.

Early dismissals

Please notify the Attendance Office via Campus Parent, Email, or Voicemail when your child will need to leave school early. Please include the time you will pick up your child and the reason for leaving school early.

Your child is then responsible to leave the class at the specified time and will be able to sign out at the front security desk.

 For appointments that arise during the day, please notify the Attendance Office as soon as possible.  Please keep in mind that we do not call the student down until a parent is present to sign out their child.

Please call the school no later than 2:30 p.m. if you wish to pick up your child at dismissal.

Contact Information

Northwood Elementary Attendance Office

(585) 392-1000, ext. 4601